Project: HR Churn
Upload Method
File Upload
File Select
Primary key
Variable Selection
Step 5: Aggregation

Based on the earlier steps, below is the sample of the aggregated data.

EmployeeNumber Age Attrition DailyRate DistanceFromHome Education EmployeeCount EnvironmentSatisfaction Gender HourlyRate JobInvolvement JobLevel JobSatisfaction MonthlyIncome MonthlyRate NumCompaniesWorked OverTime PercentSalaryHike PerformanceRating RelationshipSatisfaction StandardHours StockOptionLevel TotalWorkingYears TrainingTimesLastYear WorkLifeBalance YearsAtCompany YearsInCurrentRole YearsSinceLastPromotion
1 41 1 1102 1 2 1 2 0 94 3 2 4 5993 19479 8 1 11 3 1 80 0 8 0 1 6 4 0
2 49 0 279 8 1 1 3 1 61 2 2 2 5130 24907 1 0 23 4 4 80 1 10 3 3 10 7 1
4 37 1 1373 2 2 1 4 1 92 2 1 3 2090 2396 6 1 15 3 2 80 0 7 3 3 0 0 0
5 33 0 1392 3 4 1 4 0 56 3 1 3 2909 23159 1 1 11 3 3 80 0 8 3 3 8 7 3
7 27 0 591 2 1 1 1 1 40 3 1 2 3468 16632 9 0 12 3 4 80 1 6 3 3 2 2 2
8 32 0 1005 2 2 1 4 1 79 3 1 4 3068 11864 0 0 13 3 3 80 0 8 2 2 7 7 3
10 59 0 1324 3 3 1 3 0 81 4 1 1 2670 9964 4 1 20 4 1 80 3 12 3 2 1 0 0
11 30 0 1358 24 1 1 4 1 67 3 1 3 2693 13335 1 0 22 4 2 80 1 1 2 3 1 0 0
Does the above snapshot and summary represent your data?